Sunday 29 April 2012

hall for wedding

hye guys...

Seperti yang dijanjikan haritu, today i nak update tentang dewan di Bukit Beruntung Golf Club and also wedding festival semalam..wlaupon i janji nak update smalm kan..but maaf la ye, mmg letih yang teramat sangat..heee 

Semalam around 1pm, i and en.tunang pegi survey tgok that dewan yang terletak di Bukit Beruntung Golf Club..mase on the way ke sane, mmg rase macam "huh tempat ni kat hujung dunia betul". mane x nye, nak pegi ke sane just ade 1 jalan sehala..jenuh la kalau dok blakang lori..haha..and the environment sekeliling all the way is hutan..rase macam jauh jugak la..BUT since we reach there, all the perception were changed..hehe.. (actually xdela jauh mane kalau dah biase ke sane)

When we reach at the golf club entrance, mmg mcm suasana golf club la..sunyi n tenang park luas so mmg sesuai for visitor yang ramai. Then we ask the guard in charged kat mane office. so die tanya.."ni berkenaan apa ya?" i ckp la tentang banquet hall..die pon terus ajak kitorang tgok hall tu and explain the details about that hall.

At that time, there's a wedding ceremony tapi dengan selambernye abg guard bangla tu ajak kitorang masuk tgok sekeliling hall tu. kami pon dengan muke selamber masuk je. *mane tau dapat makan nasi minyak free..hee

photos ni di google je..hehe..haritu pegi lupe nak take the photos. almaklum la excited here i attach the details about this hall.

sewa dewan - RM2400
  • deposit for booking (rm800)
  • rental include -meja bulat (25), kerusi (250), meja panjang (3), aircond, bilik utk bersiap, car park
After discuss dengan en.tunang, kami pon putuskan utk book this hall sbb keadaan nye memuaskan hati n mmg mengikut citarasa kami. we just fill up the booking form and booked the date (23 dec 2012)..actually kalau tgok white board booking dorang, for dec, dah dua majlis dah di booked. nasib baik tarikh kami masih available..hehe..Alhamdulillah rezeki.

kami just isi form and save the date je, payment utk booking, we will settle it next weekend. sebab dah janji dengan abah n mama nak ajak dorang tengok that hall dulu baru buat la mane la tau, hati dorang x berkenan ke kan.. :)

so settle about the hall..yeay!!( actually belum settle secare rasmi la) :P..
k la..stop here..will continue in the next post..mandi dulu, seharian jadi kambing ni haaa..bekkkkk..

lots of love <3 aidadzazali

Friday 27 April 2012

"saya budak baru belajar"
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Assalamualaikum..finally i create  my own blog..hopefully this blog will last longer..heehee..actually ni gare2 my housemate punye influence sbb die amat rajin berblog..macam syok i try to make one for me too..hehe..other reason is i nak share preparation for my wedding this coming u all know,stardard la kan semua orang akan jadi macam terlebih excited bile cerita tentang your BiG DAY..same goes to me..hahaha..

This week sebenarnye exam week tapi today got no paper for me..ape lagi, mmg asik memikirkan pasal wedding je la..excited kan..lagipon harini ade open day dekat Rins Suzana, taman permata..dorang buat anniversary celeb i pon macam merajinkan diri and memakse en.tunang teman i survey2 kat sane for my wedding nanti..for your info, semua bende x settle lagi..dari dulu sampai sekarang asik survey je..x start already at the end of april..have 7-8 month to go..lambat lagi kan..ececece..tapi bile pegi sane, all the staff make me scared..they said that i already late for the preparation..OMG!!..

So tmorow i dah deal dgn en.tunang tgok wedding's hall at Bukit Beruntung Golf Club..kalau berkenan, mmg we all book je..malas dah nak pk banyak2..actually dah booked for other hall but got some probs occured..grrr..malas nak crite sini..we just redha je mama said, "ade hikmah di sebalik semua yang terjadi" i will update the story about the hall  in the next post..maybe tmrow.. :D

selain tu, kalau both of us rajin and free,esok we all plan nak pergi malaysia wedding festival(MEFA) at shah alam convention center..actually this event start today, 27 april until 29 april..dorang ade bukak macam2 booth as well as sediakan package2 utk bakal pengantin seperti saya ni..:P mane la tau ade yang berkenan kan..kalau xde,ape salah nye mencuci mate yang dah lame xdicuci ni ha..hahah..

ok la..i will stop until here..will continue later..bye
lots of love <3 aidadzazali